Geeksy Ultimate Modern Freelance Marketplace

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May 26, 2019

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Detalles del producto

Geeksy is a Modern Freelance Marketplace inspired by popular Freelance Marketplace like Fiverr. Geeksy primarily allows users who are also freelancers or sellers to offer services which are also called Proposals on the platform which can in turn be ordered
by users who are also buyers on the platform. Users also known as buyers can also post a Service Request on the platform and users who are also freelancers/sellers can bid to offer the requested services to the buyers by sending offers to the owner
of the service request at their own rate.
Once an offer is ordered by the user who posted the service request by making payments (Payments are made to Geeksy Admin who will then pay the freelancer when delivery of service is confirmed, payments
can made via Paypal, Credit Card via Stripe and personal account balance), and the necessary instructions given to the seller/freelancer whose offer was accepted, work can commence. The time specified by the seller/freelancer in his/her offer to the
request is acounted for with a countdownTimer which changes the Order Status from "Pending" to "In Progress", When Seller is done with work, he can conveniently deliver the the work to the Seller, There is provision for communication between the buyer
and seller via a messaging system on Geeksy, All files types in chat are supported. Order cancellation request are supported for both Buyers and Seller at any point in time. Either parties can either Accept or Decline an Order Cancellation Reqeust.
Admin has access to cancel any Order from Admin Panel. Sellers/Freelancers can also create highly customized offers or proposals on Geeksy that will be visible in the marketplace for users to order if it meets their needs. Geeksy implements a Referral
system controllable from admin panel. Users on Geeksy can invite people to Sign Up on Geeksy using their unique referral links which earns them the set amount from admin panel at every point in time. Geeksy also implements a Review System allowing
both Buyers and Sellers to rate each other after a Job. The Features of Geeksy are too much to Describe on this page. To have a detailed overview of all of Geeksy features, Please Click Here  to access the online documentation. Meanwhile Here is a breakdown of major features:

User Features:

1. Post Service Request(users can post a service request for freelancers or sellers to bid for in form of offers)

2. Create Service Proposal(Sellers or Freelancers can create customised service proposals visible for users or buyers to order)

3. Referral System

4.Messaging System(Buyers and Sellers can chat and exchange files in course of a service being rendered.)

5.Review System(Buyers and Sellers can rate each other after a Service has been delivered and accepted by the buyer)

6.Payments( via Personal Account Balance, Paypal and Credit Card(Stripe)

7.Feature Proposal(Have your proposals specially featured on the platform by paying a token to Admin)

8.Recently Viewed Proposal( Users can see the proposals recently viewed by them).

9.Random Proposals(Proposals are randomly displayed on dashboard on every page refresh).

10. Top rated Proposals( Users can see proposals in order of the number of positive ratings they have received from Highest to Lowest.

11. Contacts: See the contacts of those you have ordered a service from(Sellers) and those you have rendered a service to(Buyers).

12. Notification System( Notification for all activities and transactions on the platform).

13. Vacation Mode(Users who are also sellers on the platform can turn vacation mode On/Off. if off, it will reflect on your Proposals and users will not be able to Order any of your proposals).

14. Recommended Proposals(When users view a proposal of a certain user/seller on geeksy, other proposals of the seller are shown as recommendations the same page).

15. Pause Proposal(A user who is also a seller on geeksy can pause his/her proposal. Paused proposals will not be visible in the marketplace for ordering.

16. Revenue(Users who are also sellers on the platform can see a detailed overview of what they have earned and request for withdrawal).

17. Favourites ( Users can mark a certain proposal as favourite which can easily be accessed for purchase later) and much more..........

User Login:


Username: fixmywebsite
Password: 123456

Admin Login:


Password: 123456

How to Use:
Detailed documentation can be found inside Users also known as buyers can also post a Service Request on the platform and users who are also freelancers/sellers can bid to offer the requested services to the buyers by sending offers to the owner
of the service request at their own rate. Once an offer is ordered by the user who posted the service request by making payments (Payments are made to Geeksy Admin who will then pay the freelancer when delivery of service is confirmed, payments
can made via Paypal, Credit Card via Stripe and personal account balance), and the necessary instructions given to the seller/freelancer whose offer was accepted, work can commence. The time specified by the seller/freelancer in his/her offer to the
request is acounted for with a countdownTimer which changes the Order Status from Pending to In Progress , When Seller is done with work, he can conveniently deliver the the work to the Seller, There is provision for communication between the buyer
and seller via a messaging system on Geeksy, All files types in chat are supported. Order cancellation request are supported for both Buyers and Seller at any point in time.

File Tree

  • 📁 Geeksy Ultimate Modern Freelance Marketplace

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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Jul 13, 2019
Very comprehensive feature-rich codebase for that price.
Feb 14, 2020
Well written and well structured code. Easy to make changes too.
Feb 14, 2020
Highly recommended. No issues at all.
Nov 21, 2023
Everything is working fine. If you need it or demo since this one is no longer available. WhatsApp me

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